Vorcat expands its collaboration effort with Applus+IDIADA
Vorcat announces plans to extend its collaboration effort with Applus+IDIADA, (https://www.applusidiada.com/global/en/) and form a Joint Collaboration effort under the Digital Engineering (Software) Program.
IDIADA’s announcement:
IDIADA’s strategic goals with respect to CFD software development are being addressed by leveraging VORCAT’s unique technology to model aerodynamic automotive flows. VORCAT’s unprecedented, high-fidelity simulations of incompressible, turbulent fluid flows have the potential to overcome the main drawbacks of current state-of-the-art CFD solvers, including uncertainty with respect to the physical validity of aerodynamic simulations, and long simulation times.
The new version of VORCAT developed within the framework of our current collaboration should allow IDIADA to effectively solve vehicle aerodynamic cases and analyse the airflow physics surrounding a real car in reasonable times.
Moving forward, IDIADA envisages an expanded collaboration to include new features, such as moving parts, porous media, noise sources generation, joint optimization of aerodynamics and acoustics, and machine learning, etc. that could allow IDIADA to design vehicles superior to all competing designs. Other software improvements where IDIADA and VORCAT could collaborate include the user interface for post-processing, internal flows modelling, heat transfer, etc.