Vorcat Projects
Vorcat has helped solve some of the most important problems facing our world today. From the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, to U.S. Navy, Departments of Energy and Commerce, and NASA to the Ford Motor Company, Vorcat is pushing the leading edge of Turbulence Modeling Science in the real world.
U.S. Department of Energy 2020
Continuation of Phase I DOE work: Hypercomp, OnScale & collaboration with Applus+IDIADA. Ongoing work with small businesses, mainly under Internal Research & Development: Automotive (IDIADA), Wind turbine (Leviathan Energy, Vishwa Robotics), and eVTOL flows.
U.S. Department of Energy 2019
Development of the Breakthrough CFD Vorcat technology for Cloud-Based Complex Energy Applications: This project addresses the need for reliable and efficient strategies for simulating the complex turbulent flows produced by next generation energy-related technologies.
NASA 2016
Analysis of Active Flow Control Concepts Using the 3D LES Vorcat Software: The goal of this project is to produce a revolutionary computational methodology that is fast, reliable and accurate for predicting complex high Reynolds number, turbulent flows.
National Science Foundation 2014
Development of Vorcat for Cloud-based Simulations: This SBIR Phase I project is motivated by the opportunity that high performance computing in a cloud has to significantly expand the reach and marketability of the innovative computational fluid dynamics technology called Vorcat, which is a unique implementation of the gridfree vortex method aimed specifically at simulating high-Reynolds number, turbulent flows.
Naval Air Systems Command 2014
Innovative non-diffusive Vortex Method for Rotorcraft CFD Simulations: This SBIR Phase I proposal will examine the feasibility of using the Vorcat implementation of the gridfree vortex method to provide accurate, real time simulations of rotor wake, specifically the tip vortex structure, in various flight scenarios.
U.S. Department of Energy 2011
Extension of the Vorcat Technology to Moving Boundaries: This project addresses the need for reliable and efficient strategies for simulating the complex turbulent flows produced by moving boundaries associated with a wide range of next generation energy-related technologies such as wind turbines, ground vehicles, and wave and ocean current power generators.
Naval Air Systems Command 2010
Rotor-Airwake Aerodynamic Coupling in Real-Time Simulation: This SBIR Phase I proposal will examine the feasibility of using the Vorcat implementation of the gridfree vortex method to provide accurate, real time simulations of helicopter aerodynamics in a landing environment.
DARPA 2009
Advanced Development for Defense Science and Technology: This SBIR Phase I proposal will assess the potentiality for increasing the effective volumetric airspace that can be scanned for chem/bio (CB) hazardous particulates by unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) during flight.
NASA 2008
Grid-free LES 3D Vortex Method for The Simulation of Turbulent Flows Over advanced Lifting Surface: Turbulent flows associated with advanced aerodynamic designs represent a considerable challenge for accurate prediction.
National Science Foundation
Our objective was to create a state-of-the-art CFD capability built upon the Vorcat technology for applications involving two-phase, particulate, incompressible turbulent flow fields. In this initial Phase I, the work focused on achieving two goals: (i) To analyze, develop, and implement the necessary modifications to the vortex method to include the coupled two-phase, fluid-particulate simulation capability and, (ii) To perform limited testing and validation studies as time permits. In particular, to compare a passive scalar model (with or without external forces) with a two-way coupling model for simple settings.
The objective of this project was to simulate low-speed, turbulent aerodynamic flows using the Vorcat implementation of the three-dimensional, viscous vortex method. Vorcat represents a fundamentally different methodology for turbulent flow prediction compared to traditional RANS and LES techniques, which have been developed within the sphere of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) over many years.
National Institute for Standards and Technology ATP Program Cost-Sharing Grant
Vorcat, Inc. proposed to achieve dramatically improved predictions of fluid flow through the application of innovative algorithms and computational methods. Fluid engineering - designing systems for the optimum flow of fluids - plays a major role in modern engineering, from the design of engines and gas turbines to airfoils, automobiles, ship hulls, electronic packaging, HVAC systems, and industrial processing equipment.
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), Department of Defense, SBIR Phase I Contract
The objective of this Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project was to devise accurate techniques for predicting turbulent mixing with a view toward estimating the effectiveness of strategies for neutralizing bio/chem hazards. Substantial progress by Krispin Technologies, Inc. in developing 3D vortex methods for turbulent flow simulation as part of a DOE supported SBIR Phase II project was leveraged to yield immediate application to realistic hazard scenarios of interest to DTRA.
Ford Motor Company - Research Contract
The unique software Vorcat, which is based on a fast parallel vortex method, was employed to perform a timeaccurate simulation of the flow in a pressure regulator spool valve from an automotive automatic transmission. The spool valve experiences flow forces, which affect its axial motion and radial clearance. In this work, detailed flow field information, including velocity, vorticity, and pressure distributions were computed for spool valve openings of 1mm and 0.25mm.
U.S. Department of Energy
This work aimed at the development of a versatile, efficient, and physically accurate commercial software for the solution of a broad range of turbulent flows encountered in energy engineering. In Phase I, the effort focused on achieving dramatic improvements both in speed and efficiency of a Fast Multipole Method (FMM) for computing the velocity field produced by the three-dimensional vortex elements: the most computationally intensive part of the complete algorithm.
Maryland Industrial Partnerships (MIPS)
Advances in supercomputing have opened up the door to the practical implementation of new, more physically accurate means for simulating the motion of fluids encountered in engineering design.
Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) 2007
This project formed a collaboration between VorCat and the US Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity (USAMSAA) developing tools for decision making in the face of accidental or intentional CB release into the environment.
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