Recent Vorcat Publications
Vortex Dynamics in Transitional and Turbulent Boundary layers
Grid-Free Simulation of the Spatially Growing Turbulent Mixing Layer
A Vortex Method for Simulating Three-Dimensional Turbulent Flows
A Grid-free Dilatation Element Method for Quasi-one Dimensional Gas Dynamics
Vortex method modeling of complex, turbulent engineering flows
Turbulent flow forces on hydraulic valves: A parallel vortex simulation method
An adaptive, fast, parallel, vortex method for the numerical simulation of turbulent separated flows
Turbulent Flow Modeling Using a Fast, Parallel, Vortex Tube and Sheet Method
Grid free simulation of turbulent boundry layers using VorCat
Studies of turbulent mixing using the VorCat implementation of the 3D vortex method
Vorcat Staff Bibliography
The Vorcat staff has published hundreds of articles in the fields of computational fluid dynaimcs, physics, mathematics, computer graphics, and other related engineering fields. Following is a partial list of journal and conference articles, books, and technical reports. Please contact the appropriate Vorcat staff member for more information about a particular item.
Books, Book Chapters and Reviews:
P. S. Bernard & T. Ratiu, Eds., Turbulence Seminar Berkeley 1976/1977, Vol. 615 in Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Springer- Verlag, Berlin, 1977.
Review of Engineering Fluid Mechanics by J. Bertin and A First Course in Fluid Dynamics by A. Paterson, The American Scientist, pp. 305 - 306, 1985.
P. S. Bernard and J. M. Wallace, Vortex kinematics, dynamics, and turbulent momentum transport in wall bounded flows, Self- Sustaining Mechanisms of Wall Turbulence, Vol. 15, R. L. Panton, Ed., Computational Mechanics Publications, Southampton, UK, 1997, Chapter 4, pp. 65 - 82.
P. S. Bernard and J. M. Wallace, Turbulent Flows Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, Vol. 22, G. L. Trigg, Ed., Wiley/VCH Publishers, February, 1998, pp. 399 - 430.
Chapter 8, Section 1, Basic Physics, in the CRC Handbook of Fluid Dynamics, R. Johnson, editor, May, 1998, pp. 13-1 - 13-11.
P. S. Bernard and J.M.Wallace, Turbulent Flow: Analysis, Measurement and Prediction, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2002.
Journals and Reports (not including Recent Publications, see separate list):
Triantafyllou, G.S. and Dimas, A.A., 1989, "Interaction of Two-Dimensional Separated Flows with a Free Surface at Low Froude Numbers," Phys. Fluids A, Vol. 1, 1813-1821.
Triantafyllou, G.S. and Dimas, A.A., 1992, "Large Scale Vortices in the Ocean and Upwelling," Proc. 5th International Symposium on the Behaviour of Offshore Structures, Vol. 1, 121-133, London, UK.
Dimas, A.A. and Triantafyllou, G.S., 1992, "Free-Surface Signature of Submerged Shear Flow," Proc. Second International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol. 3, 253-261, San Francisco, California.
Dimas, A.A. and Triantafyllou, G.S., 1993, "Shear-Flow/Free-Surface Interaction in a Density-Stratified Fluid," Proc. Third International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol. 3, 479-486, Singapore.
Dimas, A.A. and Triantafyllou, G.S., 1994, "Nonlinear Interaction of Shear Flow with a Free Surface," J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 260, 211-246.
Triantafyllou, G.S. and Dimas, A.A., 1994, "Barotropic/Baroclinic Dynamics of Large-Scale Geophysical Flows," Proc. 6th International Symposium on the Behaviour of Offshore Structures, Vol. 2, 359-367, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Dimas, A.A. and Triantafyllou, G.S., 1995, "Baroclinic-Barotropic Instabilities of the Gulf Stream Extension," J. Phys. Oceanogr., Vol. 25, 825-834.
Dimas, A.A. and Triantafyllou, G.S., 1995, "Numerical Study of Langmuir Circulations in Turbulent Shear Flows with a Free Surface," Proc. 10th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Vol. 3, 27:1-6, University Park, Pennsylvania.
Duncan, J.H. and Dimas, A.A., 1996, "Surface Roughness due to Steady Breaking Waves," J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 329, 309-339.
Dimas, A.A., 1997, "Large Wave Simulations (LWS) of Free-Surface Flows," Proc. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM97-3408, 1-6, Vancouver, Canada.
Shah, A.D., Dimas, A.A. and Humphrey, J.D., 1997, "Elastodynamics of Intracranial Saccular Aneurysms," Proc. ASME International Winter Meeting, Dallas, Texas.
Dimas, A.A., 1997, "Free-Surface Waves Generation by a Fully-Submerged Wake," Wave Motion,, Vol. 27, 43-54.
Dimas, A.A., Collins, J.P. and Bernard, P.S., 1998, "A Fast, Parallel Vortex Method For Turbulent Flow Simulation," Proc. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM98-5000, 1-8, Washington, DC.
Dimas, A.A. and Kiger, K.T., 1998, "Linear Instability of a Particle-Laden Mixing Layer with a Dynamic Dispersed Phase,"Phys. Fluids, Vol. 10, 2539-2557.
Miller, M.P., Nennstiel, T., Duncan, J.H., Dimas, A.A. and Prostler, S., 1999, "Incipient Breaking of Steady Waves in the Presence of Surface Wakes," J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 383, 285-305.
Dimas, A.A., Bernard, P.S. and Krispin, J. 1999, "An Adaptive,Fast, Parallel Vortex Method for Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Separated Flows," Proc. 37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting,AIAA 99-0155, Reno, Nevada.
Bernard, P.S, Dimas, A.A. and Collins, J.P., 1999, "Turbulent Flow Modeling Using a Fast, Parallel, Vortex Tube and Sheet Method," in Third International Workshop on Vortex Flow and Related Numerical Methods, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM),Vol. 7, 46-55. Editors: Giovannini, A., Cottet, G.H., Gagnon, Y., Ghoniem, A. and Meiburg, E.
Bernard, P.S., Dimas, A.A. and Lottati, I., 1999, "Vortex Method Analysis of Turbulent Flows," Proc. First International Conference on Vortex Methods ICVM/99, 137-155, Kobe, Japan.
Collins, J.P., Dimas, A.A. and Bernard, P.S., 1999, "A Parallel Adaptive Fast Multipole Method for High Performance Vortex Method Based Simulations," Proc. ASME Fluids Engineering Division,
Vol. 250, 307-314, Nashville, Tennessee.Dimas, A.A. and Fialkowski, L.T., 2000, "Large-Wave Simulation (LWS) of Free-surface Flows Developing Weak Spilling Breaking Waves," J. Comput. Physics, Vol. 159, 172-196.
Dimas, A.A., Lottati, I., Miller, R.H., Strumolo, G.S. and Bernard, P.S., 2000, "Turbulent Flow Forces on Hydraulic Valves: A Parallel Vortex Simulation Method," Proc. ASME Fluids Engineering
Division, Vol. 253, 553-558, Orlando, Florida.J. Krispin and H. Portnoy, Analysis of Strake-Slender-Wing Combinations Using Slender- Wing Theory, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 25 No. 1, pp. 32-36, January 1988. Also presented at the ICAS conference, September 1986, London, paper No.ICAS-86-2.5.4.
J. Krispin and J.D. Anderson, Jr., Accelerating the Computation of Steady State Solutions of Non-Equilibrium Chemically Reacting Flow Fields, AIAA Paper No.88-0513, presented at the 26th AIAA meeting of Aerospace Sciences at Reno, Nevada,January 1988.
J. Krispin, J. P. Collins, and H. M. Glaz, High-Order Godunov Type Solutions for Materials Having a Nonconvex Equation of State, AIAA Paper No. 91-1576, presented at the AIAA 10th Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Honolulu,Hawaii, June 1991.
J. Krispin and H. M. Glaz, Second-Order Godunov Methods and Self-Similar Steady Supersonic Three-Dimensional Flow fields, AIAA-91-1653, presented at the AIAA 22nd Fluid Dynamics, Plasmadynamics and Laser Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii,June 1991.
J. Krispin and H. M. Glaz, Nonequilibrium, Chemically Reacting Flow fields and the ImplicitExplicit Godunov Scheme, Thirteenth International Conference on Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, Proceedings, Rome, Italy 1992, edited by M. Napolitano and F. Sabetta, Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Physics Vol. 414, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1993, pp. 330-334.
Collins, J. P., Ferguson, R. E., Chien, K-Y., Kuhl, A. L., Krispin, J. and Glaz, H., Simulation of Shock Induced Dusty Gas Flows Using Various Models, AIAA-94-2309, presented at the 25th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, Colorado Springs, Colorado, June 1994.
J. Krispin, J. P. Collins, and H. M. Glaz, High Resolution Solutions of Stiff Chemically Reacting Flows, AIAA-94-0173, presented at the AIAA 32nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, January 1994.
E. Erskine, H. M. Glaz, J. Krispin, and J. P. Collins, 2D Wave Interactions for Materials with Nonconvex EOS: Computational Results, presented at the Fifth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems, Stony Brook, NY, June 1994.
Krispin, J. and Collins, J. P., Simulations of Dusty Flows in an Incompressible Gas Using the Projection Method, AIAA-95-2164, published at the 26th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference at San Diego, CA, June 19-22, 1995.
Krispin, J., Glaz, H. M. and Collins, J.P., High Resolution Solutions of Stiff Chemically Reacting Flows, Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, Vol. 10, pp.570-578, 1996.
Krispin, J. High-Order Godunov Schemes for Multiphase Flows, Krispin Technologies, Inc. Final Report under Contract DSWA01-96-C-0125, submitted to DSWA, April 1997.
Potts, M., B. A. Brown, J. Krispin, P. Collins, R. Ferguson, Two Phase Plume Dynamics a Comparison of Asymmetric and Three Dimensional Simulation, AIAA-99-3764, 30th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 1999.
Brown, B. P., Potts, M. A., Krispin, J., Projection Methods for Incompressible Multiphase Cloud-Rise Phenomena, bf AIAA-99-3321, 14th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference Proceedings, 1999.
Dimas, A. A., Bernard, P. S. and Krispin, J. 1999, An Adaptive, Fast, Parallel Vortex Method for Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Separated Flows, Proc. 37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting AIAA 99-0155, Reno, Nevada.
Bernard, P. S. and Krispin, J., 2000. Vortex Method Analysis of Bio/Chem Neutralization. Final Report KTI TR 99-13, submitted to DTRA, Alexandria, VA.
Bernard, P. S., Potts, M. and Krispin, J., 2003 Studies of Turbulent Mixing Using the VorCat Implementation of the 3D Vortex Method, AIAA-2003-3599, 33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, Orlando, FL 23-26 June 2003.
Bernard, P. S., Collins, J. P., and Krispin, J., 2003 Gridfree Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers Using VorCat, AIAA-2003-3424, 16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Orlando, FL, 23-26 June 2003.
A. J. Chorin & P. S. Bernard, Discretization of a Vortex Sheet, with an Example of Roll-up, J. Comp. Phys., 13, pp. 423 - 429, 1973. Republished in Computational Fluid Mechanics: Selected Papers of Alexandre Joel Chorin, Academic Press Inc., San Diego, CA., pp. 77- 83, 1989.
P. S. Bernard, A Method for Computing Two-Dimensional Turbulent Flows, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 38, pp. 81 - 92, 1980.
P. S. Bernard, Computation of the Turbulent Flow in an Internal Combustion Engine During Compression, ASME J. Fluids Engrg., 103, pp. 75 - 81, 1981.
P. S. Bernard & B.S. Berger, A Method for Computing Three- Dimensional Turbulent Flows, SIAM J. Appl. Math., 42, pp. 453 - 470, 1982.
P. S. Bernard & B. S. Berger, Microscales and Correlation Tensors in the Viscous Turbulent Sublayer, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 105, pp. 455 - 456, 1983.
B. S. Berger & P. S. Bernard, The Numerical Integration of Greens Functions, ASME J. Appl. Mech., 105, pp. 456 - 458, 1983.
P. S. Bernard, Kinematics of Velocity and Vorticity Correlations in Turbulent Flow, Phys. Fluids, 26, pp. 2080 - 2087, 1983.
P. S. Bernard & B. S. Berger, Balance of Turbulent Energy in the Linear Wall Region of Channel Flow, AIAA J., 22, pp. 306 - 308, 1984.
P. S. Bernard, Energy and Vorticity Dynamics in Decaying Isotropic Turbulence, Intl. J. Engrg. Sci., 23, pp. 1037 - 1057, 1985.
P. S. Bernard, Limitations of the Near-wall k- Turbulence Model, AIAA J., 24, pp. 619 - 622, 1986.
P. S. Bernard, Computations of a Turbulent Jet-Edge Flow Field, Proc. of ASME Fluids Engineering Spring Conference, Forum on Turbulent Flows, FED - Vol. 51, pp. 13- 17, Cincinnati, Ohio, June, 1987.
J.-L. Balint, P. S. Bernard, P. Vukoslav Fecevi´c, and J. M. Wallace, Measurements of Velocity - Vorticity Correlations in a Turbulent Boundary Layer with a Multi-Sensor Hot-Wire Probe, Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Fluids Mechanics, Peking Univ. Press, pp.73-78, 1987.
P. S. Bernard, Non-Gradient Transport Phenomena in Turbulent Shear Flows, Proc. of the First National Fluid Dynamics Congress, Cincinnati, Ohio, pp. 553 - 557, AIAA Paper 88-3749-CP, July, 1988.
P. S. Bernard, M. F. Ashmawey & R. A. Handler, Evaluation of the Gradient Model of Turbulent Transport Through Direct Lagrangian Simulation, AIAA J., 27, pp. 1290 - 1292, 1989.
P. S. Bernard, M. F. Ashmawey & R. A. Handler, An Analysis of Particle Trajectories in Computer Simulated Turbulent Channel Flow, Phys. Fluids A, 1, pp. 1532 - 1540, 1989.
R. Raul, P. S. Bernard & F. T. Buckley, An Application of the Vorticity - Vector Potential Method to Laminar Cube Flow, Intl J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 10, pp. 875 - 888, 1990.
P. S. Bernard and R. A. Handler, On the Dynamical Signifcance of Turbulent Wall Layer Streaks, Appl. Mech. Rev., 43, pp. S219 - S226, 1990.
P. S. Bernard & R. A. Handler, Reynolds Stress and the Physics of Turbulent Momentum Transport, J. Fluid Mech., 220, pp. 99 - 124, 1990.
P. S. Bernard, Turbulence Effects in the Edgetone Flow field, J. Fluids and Structures, 4, pp. 449 - 470, 1990.
P. S. Bernard, Convective Diffusion in Two-Dimensional Incompressible Linear Flow, 3, SIAM Review, 32, pp. 660 - 666, 1990.
P. S. Bernard, Turbulent Vorticity Transport in Three Dimensions, Theor. Comp.Fluid Dyn., 2, pp. 165 - 183, 1990.
R. Raul and P. S. Bernard, Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Forces on a Square Prism in Turbulent Flow, Proc. AIAA Aerosciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, Paper AIAA-
90-0582, January, 1990.R. Raul and P. S. Bernard, Turbulent Cube Flow: A Numerical Investigation, Proc. of ASME Fluids Engineering Conference, Forum on Turbulent Flows, FED - Vol.94, pp 137-142, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June, 1990.
R. Raul and P. S. Bernard, A Numerical Investigation of the Turbulent Flow Field Generated by a Stationary Cube, ASME J. Fluids Engrg., 113, pp. 216 - 222, 1991.
P. S. Bernard and C. G. Speziale, Bounded Energy States in Homogeneous Turbulent Shear Flow - An Alternative View, ASME J. Fluids Engrg., 114, pp. 29 - 39, 1992.
R. A. Handler, P. S. Bernard, A. Rovelstad and J. Swearingen, On the Role of Accelerating Particles in the Generation of Reynolds Stress, Phys. Fluids A, 4, pp. 1317
- 1319, 1992.C. G. Speziale and P. S. Bernard, The Energy Decay in Self- Preserving Isotropic Turbulence Revisited, J. Fluid Mech., 241, pp. 645 - 667, 1992.
P. S. Bernard, S. Thangham and C. G. Speziale, The Role of Vortex Stretching in Turbulence Modeling, in Instability, Transition, and Turbulence, Edited by M.Y. Hussaini, A. Kumar and C.L. Street, Springer-Verlag, 1992, pp. 561-574.
P. S. Bernard, J. M. Thomas & R. A. Handler, Vortex Dynamics and the Production of Reynolds Stress, J. Fluid Mech., 253, pp. 385 - 419, 1993.
R. A. Handler, A. L. Rovelstad and P. S. Bernard, Tests of Random Flight and Closure Models in Predicting Turbulent Scalar Transport, Proc. PACAM III, Sao Paoulo, Brazil,
January, 1993.P. S. Bernard, J. M. Thomas and R. A. Handler, Vortex Dynamics in Near Wall Turbulence, in Near-Wall Turbulent Flows , Edited by R.M.C. So, C. G. Speziale and B.
E. Launder, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1993, pp. 43 - 52.A. L. Rovelstad, R. A. Handler and P. S. Bernard, Implications of Lagrangian Transport Analysis for Large Eddy Simulations, Proc. ASME Fluids Engineering Conference, Engineering Applications of Large Eddy Simulations, FED - Vo. 162, pp. 13 - 20, Washington, D.C., June, 1993.
A. L. Rovelstad, R. A. Handler and P. S. Bernard, The Effect of Interpolation Errors on the Lagrangian Analysis of Simulated Turbulent Channel Flow, J. Comp. Phys., 110, pp. 190 - 195, 1994.
P. S. Bernard and A. L. Rovelstad, On the Physical Accuracy of Scalar Transport Models in Inhomogeneous Turbulence, Phys. Fluids, 6, pp. 3093 - 3108, 1994.
J. J. Gorski, J. M. Wallace and P. S. Bernard, The enstrophy equation budget of bounded turbulent shear flows, Phys. Fluids, 6, pp. 3197 - 3199, 1994.
A. L. Rovelstad, R. Handler, P. S. Bernard and J. M. Thomas, Large Eddy Simulation of channel flow using a vorticity transport subgrid mode, presented at AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel Meeting on Application of Direct and Large Eddy Simulation to Transition and Turbulence, Chania, Crete, Greece, April, 1994.
P. S. Bernard, A Deterministic Vortex Sheet Method for Boundary Layer Flow, J. Comp. Phys., 117, pp. 132 - 145, 1995.
J. J. Gorski and P. S. Bernard, Vorticity transport analysis of turbulent flows, ASME J. Fluids Engrg., 117, pp. 410 - 416, 1995.
P. S. Bernard, A non-local, physically consistent turbulent transport model, proceedings of the Tenth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows, Penn State University, August, 1995, 23-1 - 23-6.
J. J. Gorski and P. S. Bernard, Modeling of the turbulent enstrophy equation, Int. J. Engrg. Sci., 34, pp. 699 - 714, 1996.
P. S. Bernard, Toward a vortex method simulation of turbulent flows, Proc. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FED - Vol. 238, Part 3, 33 - 40, 1996.
P. S. Bernard,A vortex method for wall bounded turbulent flows, Vortex Flows and Related Numerical Methods, II, edited by Y. Gagnon et al.,ESAIM: Proc., 1, http://www.emath.fr/proc/Vol.1/,pp. 15 - 31, 1996.
A. Dimas, P. Collins, and P. S. Bernard, A fast parallel vortex method for turbulent flow simulation, FEDSM98-5000, Proceedings ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, Washington, D.C., June, 1998.
P. S. Bernard, Toward a vortex method simulation of non- equilibrium turbulent flows, in Modeling Complex Turbulent Flows, M.D. Salas et al., Kluwer Academic Pub., p. 161 - 181, 1999.
P.S. Bernard, A. Dimas, and P. Collins, Turbulent Flow Simulations Using a Fast, Parallel, Vortex Tube and Sheet Method ESAIM Proc., Vol. 7, http://www.emath.fr /Maths/Proc/Vol.7/index.html, p. 46 - 55, 1999.
A.A. Dimas, P.S. Bernard, and J. Krispin, An Adaptive, Fast, Parallel Vortex Method for Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Separated Flows, AIAA 99-0155, Proc. 37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, Nevada, January 1999.
P. Collins, A. A. Dimas, and P. S. Bernard, A parallel adaptive fast multipole method for high performance vortex method based simulations, Proc. ASME IMECE99, Nashville, Tenn, 1999.
P. S. Bernard, A. Dimas, and J. Collins, Turbulent Flow Modeling Using a Fast, Parallel, Vortex Tube and Sheet Method ESAIM Proc., Vol. 7, http://www.emath.fr/Maths/Proc/Vol.7 /index.html, pp. 46 - 55, 1999.
P. S. Bernard, A. Dimas, and I. Lottati, Vortex method analysis of turbulent flows Vortex Methods, Kamemoto, K. and Tsutahara, M. Eds., World Scientifc, pp. 79 - 91, 2000.
P. S. Bernard, A. A. Dimas, P. Collins, and I. Lottati, Large scale vortex method simulation of turbulent flow, Proc. High Performance Computing 2000, Ed. A. Tentner, SCS, pp. 25 - 30, 2000.
A. Dimas, I. Lottati, I., R. Miller, G. Strumolo and P. S. Bernard, Turbulent Flow Forces on Hydraulic Valves: A Parallel Vortex Simulation Method, Proc. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Forum on Parallel Computing Methods, Orlando, Fl., 2000.
P. S. Bernard and A. A. Dimas, Vortex Method Modeling of Complex, Turbulent, Engineering Flows, Proc. Second International Conference on Vortex Methods, Istanbul, Turkey, September 26 - 28, pp. 41 - 54, 2001.
P.S. Bernard, M. Potts, and J. Krispin, Studies of Turbulent Mixing Using the VorCat Implementation of the 3D Vortex Method, AIAA-2003- 3599, 2003.
P.S. Bernard, P. Collins, and J. Krispin, Gridfree Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers Using VorCat, AIAA-2003-3424, 2003.
P. S. Bernard and J. Shen, A Gridfree Dilatation Element Method For 1D Gas Dynamics, to be submitted for publication, 2003.
Dimas, A., Bernard, P. S., Collins, J. P., and Potts, M. (2003) Vortex Method Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layer International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, IAHR Congress, 24-29 August, 2003.
Bernard, P. S., Potts, M. A., Krispin, J., Studies of Turbulent Mixing using the Vorcat Implementation of the 3D Vortex Method, AIAA-2003-3599, 33rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, Orlando, FL 23-26 June 2003.
Piacsek, S., Potts, M., Castellana, L., Purini, R., Shelf slope convection: A note for Antarctic Regions, Nuovo Cimento- Societa Italiana di Fisica Sezione C, 2002, vol.25, no. 1.
Piacsek, S. A., Potts, M., Gallacher, P., Shelf Convection in the Presence of Topography and Large-Scale Circulation: Some Numerical Experiments, American Geophysical Union Ocean Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 2001.
Piacsek, S. A, Potts M. A., Rachev, N., Purini, R., Numerical Simulation of Convection in Terra Nova Bay, 2nd International Conference on the Oceanography of the Ross Sea Antarctica, Naples, Italy, October 2001.
Castellana, L., Piacsek, S., Potts, M., Purini, R., Shelf-slope Convection in Antarctic Regions, European Geophysical Society, Nice France, April 2000.
Potts, M., B. Brown, J. Krispin, P. Collins, R. Ferguson, Two Phase Plume Dynamics a Comparison of Axisymmetric and Three Dimensional Simulation, AIAA-99-3764, 30th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, 1999.
Brown, B. P., Potts, M. A., Krispin, J., Projection Methods for Incompressible Multiphase Cloud-Rise Phenomena, bf AIAA-99-3321, 14th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference Proceedings, 1999.
Potts, M. A., Non-Hydrostatic Thermohaline Convection in the Polar Oceans, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, 1998.
Potts, M. A., S. A. Piacsek, and L. H. Kantha, A Study of Deep Convection Over Topography Using a Non-hydrostatic Model Incorporating the Virtual Boundary Method, American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego,CA, February, 1998.
Potts, M. A., An Overview of Arctic Leads, Ecole de Physique, NATO Graduate School, Les Houches, France, July 1997.
Potts, M. A., S. A. Piacsek, and L. H. Kantha, A Comparison of Hydrostatic and Non-hydrostatic Models of Arctic Leads, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 1996.
Dimas, A. A., Collins, J. P. and Bernard, P. S., 1998, A Fast, Parallel Vortex Method For Turbulent Flow Simulation, Proc. ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting FEDSM98-5000, 1-8, Washington, DC.
Bernard, P. S, Dimas, A. A. and Collins, J. P., 1999, Turbulent Flow Modeling Using a Fast, Parallel, Vortex Tube and Sheet Method, in Third International Workshop on Vortex Flow and Related Numerical Methods, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM) Vol. 7, 46-55. Editors: Giovannini, A., Cottet, G. H., Gagnon, Y., Ghoniem, A. and Meiburg, E.
Collins, J. P., Dimas, A. A. and Bernard, P. S., 1999, A Parallel Adaptive Fast Multipole Method for High Performance Vortex Method Based Simulations, Proc. ASME Fluids Engineering Division 250, 307-314, Nashville, Tennessee.
Bernard, P. S., Collins, J. P., and Krispin, J., 2003 Gridfree Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layers Using VorCat, AIAA-2003-3424, 16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, Orlando, FL, 23-26 June 2003.
Geiger, J., Bernard, P. S. and Collins, J. P. (2003) Hybrid Visualization Approach for Vortex Method Simulations, PSFVIP4-4032, Fourth Pacifc Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Camonix, France, 3-6 June 2003.
Dimas, A., Bernard, P. S., Collins, J. P., and Potts, M. (2003) Vortex Method Simulation of Turbulent Boundary Layer International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research, IAHR Congress, 24-29 August, 2003.
Geiger, J. (1997) Multidimensional Virtual Reality Planet Earth, Autometric, Inc., SIGGRAPH 97, Electric Garden, Los Angeles, CA, 5 August 1997.
Geiger, J., Bernard, P. S. and Collins, J. P. (2003) Hybrid Visualization Approach for Vortex Method Simulations, PSFVIP4-4032, Fourth Pacifc Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image Processing, Camonix, France, 3-6 June 2003.