Technical Support
Vorcat products are designed to provide the user with the most accurate solution possible and the least amount of effort.
Vorcat Tech Support:
However the problems you are solving can be very complex and we are aware of that. Sometimes it is necessary to augment the Vorcat software solution with additional support from our experienced engineers. We are here to help you with every aspect of your modeling efforts and will assist you on what ever level you need. Below is a brief description of technical support and training options.
Pricing will vary by your location and the duration of the support service. Please call (240) 498-6150 for more information.
Technical Support:
Full Annual Maintenance provides unlimited access to a Support Specialist, full eSupport access, and all software updates and upgrades released during your contract period.
Incident Support provides an affordable method to receive support on a per incident basis.
Incident Support Value Pack is a pre-purchased set of 5 Incident Support cases helps users budget for support incidents and provides significant savings over individual Incident Support cases.
Setup Support provides 30 days free telephone and email support to users of newly purchased software, limited to issues of installation, licensing, and hardware compatibility.
Both introductory and advanced training courses for Vorcat software are offered at periodic intervals online, in the Metropolitan Los Angeles area, and may also be conducted on-site under special circumstances. Training courses are also offered at selected tradeshows and aerospace and fluid dynamics conferences. Contact us to find out when our next course is offered.