Development of VorCat for Cloud-based Simulations
National Science Foundation
This SBIR (Phase I) project is motivated by the opportunity that high performance computing in a cloud has to significantly expand the reach and marketability of the innovative computational fluid dynamics technology called VorCat, which is a unique implementation of the gridfree vortex method aimed specifically at simulating high-Reynolds number, turbulent flows.
The relative affordability of cloud computing can be harnessed as a key ingredient in fostering diverse new applications of VorCat within small to midsize companies solving a vast array of practical flow problems arising in many industries.
In this proposal, the current implementation will be extended, modified, optimized and validated so that midway through the phase II project Vorcat in a cloud, to be hosted by Nimbis Sevices, will be offered for at least one complex flow problem for which all traditional solvers fail to produce reliable solutions, namely, rotating turbine blades. Testing and validation will be done in collaboration with potential customers who agreed to engage and new Vorcat apps will be developed and offered according to customer demand. Successful completion of this project will allow for ambitious applications of the software by companies that could not afford to employ sophisticated CFD technologies. We are confident that in addition to generating revenue off of cloud computing, the exposure gained will lead to increased reputation of our software and consequently to increased sales of our traditional licenses and technical services.