Simulations of Chem/Bio Warfare Scenarios Using the Vorcat Code

Maryland Technology Development Corporation (TEDCO) 2007, in collaboration with US Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity)

This project formed a collaboration between Vorcat, Inc., a small business corporation with particular expertise in the numerical simulation and prediction of Chem/Bio (CB) dispersion, and the US Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity (USAMSAA). USAMSAA and Vorcat, Inc. have mutual interest in developing tools for decision making in the face of accidental or intentional CB release into the environment.

The main focus of the project is providing assessment of the Vorcat technology within the context of specific scenarios of interest to the Army. This tool has the potential for improving the ability to evaluate both CB threats and the ability to assist in the evaluation of detection devices for these threats. Successful completion of this project will foster increased use and value of numerical techniques in the solution of complex flow problems leading to better understanding of the fundamental physics of mass transfer and optimized engineering designs. The project adds to the current capabilities of the patented Vorcat turbulent flow prediction software that Vorcat, Inc. team members have developed as a commercial implementation of the three-dimensional gridfree vortex method. Unlike traditional grid-based technologies, Vorcat offers sharp resolution of turbulent mixing processes that are critical to the accurate modeling of the dispersion of mass contaminants in turbulent fluid flow. The project aims to provide clear proof of the essential benefits provided by Vorcat in computing prototypical two-phase particulate flows. This will have benefit to numerous technological problems affecting the economy, environment and public safety, besides improving the competitive position of Vorcat by widening the range of industries to which Vorcat can provide unique insights into the behavior of turbulent flow.