Turbulent Mixing with a Focus on Dependency on Stokes Number

This study addresses particulate dispersion in a spatially developing mixing layer.

Goals of the Study

  • Some details of the computed vortex structure are described including the development of streamwise counter-rotating vortices in the braid regions, their effect upon spanwise rollers and the breakdown of the flow into turbulence. Particle dispersion in the mixing layer flow is examined including the effects of streamwise vorticity and one-way and two-way coupling between phases.

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Top view

Side view

Top end view

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Linear growth in momentum thickness                                      

Linear growth in momentum thickness                                      

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Reynolds stresses and vorticity thickness

Reynolds stresses and vorticity thickness


Particle Dispersion in a spatially developing 3D Mixing Layer

Parameter – Stokes number

Solid particles, 1-way or 2-way particle-fluid interactions computed

•      St = 0.001 (Light particles)

•      St = 4

St = 100  (Heavy particles)

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Particle Dispersion with One-way Coupling

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St = 0.001

St = 0.001

St = 100

St = 100

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St = 4

St = 4

St = 100

St = 100

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Two-way Coupling

Vortical elements generated and added to the flow due to 2-way coupling are colored in pink.

Vortical elements generated and added to the flow due to 2-way coupling are colored in pink.


Mean Velocity

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Reynold stresses

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Momentum Thickness

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Numerical simulation of a spatially developing 3D mixing layer including particle dispersion has been carried out using the VorCat implementation of the vortex method. Both the vortical structure of the computed mixing layer and the properties of particle dispersion with one-way coupling show much agreement with prior work. This approach was also seen to provide novel insights into the flow mechanisms that can be of considerable value in practical applications. Detailed descriptions of all aspects of this work will be provided in subsequent publications.