The world’s first commercial software based on the grid-free, vortex method.
v.Flow is based on Vorcat’s innovative & patented technology by which incompressible, turbulent flow is simulated in three-dimensions by a time-accurate and physically consistent numerical methodology.
Vorcat is the world’s leading CFD developer of the grid-free, vortex method. This ground breaking technology offers a quantum leap in the accuracy of turbulent flow simulations.
Grid-free representation of the flow except for a very thin layer next to solid surfaces that is needed to resolve the strong gradients at the viscous sub-layer. This thin grid is automatically grown from an unstructured surface mesh,
Hybrid Sheet Filament
A hybrid sheet-filament representation of the vorticity field that mimics turbulent flow physics without requiring end-users to input ad-hoc turbulence models and,
Fast Multipole Method
An adaptive, parallel, Fast Multipole Method (FMM) that allows the simulation of high Reynolds-number applications in reasonable turn-around times and,
Moving Boundary Capability
A moving boundary capability that is based on solving the equations in inertial and non-inertial frames of reference without elaborate dynamic re-meshing.
Faster, More Meaningful Analyses
v.Flow reduces the end-user gridding and pre-processing requirements to a minimum (only triangulation of the surface mesh is required) and together with our powerful visualization tool v.Viz, allows for fast post-processing and meaningful analyses of the different aspects of complex turbulent flow applications
General Capabilities
Full 3D
Time-accurate (unsteady) solutions
Mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian algorithm
Incompressible flow (including low Mach number, subsonic flows)
Inviscid flows
Transitional flows
Turbulent flows – no (a-priori) turbulence modeling required
Reynolds-number accurate flows
Only standard surface mesh is required to describe solid boundaries
No need for dynamic meshes for moving rigid bodies
Acoustics analogy for prediction of flow-induced noise
Heat transfer including forced, natural and mixed convection
Lagrangian trajectory calculation for dispersed phase (particles)
Volumetric sources of mass, momentum, and heat
Extensive customization capability via user-defined functions
Material property data base
Mesh Capabilities
Unstructured surface mesh is only required to describe solid boundaries. The software creates a prismatic thin layer that grows outward normal to the surface.
Numerical Method
A unique, mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian solver
Finite volume method based on unstructured meshes used on a thin surface layer
Lagrangian tracking of vorticity-carrying particles everywhere in the flow field
Unique, parallel, adaptive Fast Multipole Solver (FMM)
Dynamic memory allocation
Single and double precision executables
Pressure field computed on solid boundaries as an option
Transitional and turbulent flows are captured automatically without extra modeling required
Lagrangian Dispersed Phase Modeling
Trajectory calculation for particles
Momentum, heat, and mass transfer coupling with fluid
Multiple choice of built-in drag laws for spherical particles
Built-in options to include added mass, Saffman lift, and Brownian forces
Particle size distribution through linear distribution or Rosin-Rammler equation
Multiple choice of boundary conditions for particles including reflection, deposition, etc.
Turbulent dispersion via discrete random-walk model
Heat transfer between fluid and dispersed phase, including convection and radiation effects
Boundary conditions
Multiple flow inlets/exits, with specifications of:
Velocity or mass flux inlet
Inlet fluid temperature
Inlet turbulent flow profile
Periodic boundary conditions
Platform Requirements
Supported Architectures:
SGI UV 1000 cc-NUMA
Cray T3E
SGI Origin 2000 & 3000
IBM SP 2 & 3
Linux Clusters
Compaq Supercomputers
Additional Software:
Message Passing Interface (MPI)
Recommended Minimum Platform Configuration:
16 or more 1-2 GHz processors
2-4 GB memory per processor
4 GB available disk space for output files
v.Flow Licensing
If you would like more information regarding v.Flow, please fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch shortly.