v.Particle is an extension of v.Flow that allows simulating particulates that are embedded in the incompressible, turbulent fluid.
The software provides the options to treat the particles as scalars (simple advection along streamline), one-way coupling to the flow field (where the fluid exerts forces on the particulates) and two-way coupling (both particulate phase and fluid phase affect each other).
v.Particle Features
Lagrangian modeling of particulates
Particle trajectory and tracing capabilities
Scalar (free advection–no phase coupling), one-way, or two-way coupling between fluid and particulate phases
Multiple choices of drag laws for particulate phase
Options for additional physics
Options for a variety of boundary conditions
No additional turbulence modeling required. Time accurate simulation of particulates in turbulent flow is automatic
We have utilized v.Particle in two of our recent research projects in the field of particulate mixing and the simulations went beyond previous analyses to reveal heretofore unobserved aspects of the mixing layer vortices.
Platform Requirements
Supported Architectures:
Cray HPC platforms
SGI HPC platforms
IBM HPC platforms
Linux Clusters
Compaq HPC platforms
Additional Software:
Message Passing Interface (MPI)
Recommended Minimum Platform Configuration:
48 or more 2+ GHz processors
4 GB memory per processor
4 GB available disk space for output files